
This represents the inaugural blog so I guess it better be good! Unfortunately I only have details about where this is going to go, what i am going to do, and what you can expect from me, your Poker reporter on tour. For those that like the detail – stay with me – for those that don’t, check the bottom of the post for when the Tournament actually starts!


Never letting the truth stand in the way of a good story I will bring you facts about particular hands along with (perhaps) a combination of facts and fiction about the players, their decision making, how things played out, a little jockularity when discussing the finer points of their game and probably bring the lime light onto bog holes in the way they play! It is intended to be a little bit of fun – so if you take it the wrong way – sorry – not sorry!

Some hand analysis, some play analysis and my word that I will provide you with a comprehensive report and will be silenced by no one! This report will be independent of any mainstream media antics you see in your news today! I will be your eyes into the tournament world starting in Noumea in 4 weeks!

Ok … so you can probably tell I’m a little excited about this gig, this isn’t my day job, I don’t write blogs or even stories (much to the disgust of my writer and editor girlfriend) – but the job is mine!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and twitter for all the latest – @thepokerpi

In the future i will bring you reports from around the different circuits I attend, please share the page so i can get the word out far and wide!

SV aka The Prince aka Blog God – You’re Welcome !

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