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Well they have been run and won!

The Hyper turbo event has been won by the main event champion himself, Daniel Gilles, two championships in two days! What makes it sweeter for Daniel is that the Casino had put a bounty on his head at the start of the tournament – no one could knock him out of the tournament and he takes an additional 23,000XPF on top of the first prize!

If that isn’t enough, and I’m sure it’s not … Olivia Andre … you may remember us reporting on her winning two other events? Well she has pulled off the trifecta! Winning the deep stack as well!

Congrats Daniel and congrats Olivia!

The Poker P.I.

1 thought on “Last two events – APT Noumea

  1. Hello my friend,
    Nice pictures and congrats to Olivia who got me at the freeze out!
    Could you send me pictures of me that you have taken during the tournament?
    I mean in good quality..
    Im the guy who finished runner up at the freeze out..
    i would love to get them
    thank you and see you someday around the world!

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