
Since the last report we have only lost one additional player – leaving 7 to battle until the end! With the clock wound back this has given some space to play poker – blinds are 8000-16000 with a 2000 ante and the average stack is 370,000 – now an average of 23 big blinds each which is pretty short for now but once the action catches up to the level we will have a deep game again!

Great structure put together by the APT to ensure it doesn’t turn out to be a game of Bingo, the wind back of the clock gave everyone enough space to play.

So, as we are waiting for more knockouts, here are a few random shots of the outer tables including a mega satellite for main event seats (8 on offer tonight) and the final 17 Omaha players.

A crowd favourite who went deep earlier this year is none other than Lisa Shanahan – looking to better her final table performance!

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